Mother's day was a pretty rainy day. I was actually not as bummed about this as my mother's day plans from prior years might have indicated (I have used the day the last several years to plant our herb garden). You see, this year I am not as on top of the garden as I have been in the past; however, several weeks ago I did purchase a cute umbrella anticipating a rainy spring day. And I needed a rainy spring day with a cooperative little boy and a wonderful photographers assistant (jrh) to play with my (I mean Ben's) new umbrella. It seemed as though the stars would were going to line up for me on mother's day. I woke up late to rain and I looked forward to Nora's morning nap to go outside with Ben to play.
Only one problem: it wasn't raining anymore.
However, the photographers assistant did a little dance
and then the rain appeared!
or maybe it was just the garden hose...
I like my story and I am sticking to it!